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Jovin S T LTD, First Foor, 37 Tamworth Road,
Croydon London CR0 1XT

Open Hours
Mon - FRI 9.00 -530 PM

Personal Licence £129.99

Who Should Apply for a Personal Licence?

Anyone working in premises licensed to sell alcohol whose job role involves supervising or authorising members of staff to sell alcohol to the public. Managers, assistant managers or supervisors working in pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, convenience stores or supermarkets should apply for a personal licence if their job role involves authorising or supervising sales of alcohol from their premises.

A personal licence’ is granted to an individual and it enables that person to make, or to authorise other staff members to make sales of alcohol. To be granted a personal licence you must be at least 18 years old, have gained a recognised Personal Licence Holder’s qualification and not have any unspent, relevant criminal convictions.

About the qualification

The Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) Level 2 is a is a mandatory qualification for those wishing to apply for a personal licence to sell or supply alcohol in England or Wales. Our APLH training course allows you to achieve your award in a single day, and is recognised by all English and Welsh licensing authorities.

About the training

All of our APLH training courses are held in quality, professional locations to ensure the learners are comfortable and relaxed for the duration of the course.

This is a one day training session with a multiple choice examination at the end of the training day. The required pass mark is 70%, which is 28 out of 40.


Need more information?

We can call you and help with your problem, just leave us your phone number.